Monday, June 1, 2009

Seacrest Beach

We just got back from an awesome week of the beach. Between me and my sister-in-law we took over 1,000 pictures... ok I am a little trigger happy with the camera so here are a few pictures -ok a lot of pictures we took. I hope you enjoy!

Seacrest Beach 2009

The Family!
My boys

This is our 2nd year staying at the cottage's here is the inspiration house where we stayed- what a great place now I want to buy one!

Brett and the boys in the boat the boys love riding the waves..

Can you tell Brooks loves the camera-haha

The boys on the porch of the house before dinner

The boys on the porch of the house where we stayed and Mason on the beach after a long few days of being sick at the beach yuck:-(- feeling much better here

Here is our crew- we spent the day with my friends the Nash's and the Bortak's. The kids enjoyed the pool, beach then dinner and The Track. Here is a picture of the ones who braved the bumper boats. They are soaked!!

Mase dawg on the go cart he was finally big enough for the rookie track by himself.

Mason and his best buds B and W...

A few of the kids on the beach A, B, B, Mason and W.

Brooks and K surfing on the beach!!


Libby said...

I love the pics! I am so glad that you had a great time, that Mason is feeling better and was able to enjoy most of the time there.

Stacy said...

Great pictures Tonya! ;) You look AMAZING in that bathing suit girl...glad you guys had fun! :)